Sunday, February 6, 2011

LaBeouf in bar brawl

In trouble with the cops again!

The actor was handcuffed by police after a bar fight Los Angeles at the weekend.

According to witnesses, LaBeouf was punched in the face during a scuffle after an unknown man started on him when he was trying to leave the bar.

The Transformers star was detained for 20 minutes and then allowed to leave the scene.

No arrests were made but it’s the latest in a long string of controversies for LaBeouf who was arrested and charged with misdemeanour criminal trespassing after he refused to leave a Chicago drug store in November, 2007.

Then, in March, 2008, a warrant was issued for his arrest after he failed to make a court appearance to face charges of unlawful smoking in California.

The star was also arrested in July, 2008 for misdemeanour drunk driving, and his driver's licence was suspended for one year, when he refused a breathalyser test following a car crash in LA.

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